Monday, January 2, 2012

Flow Chart

#3 The End Is Near

The crushing and pelting continued for days on end. All seemed lost until finally the torture came to a halt. We all looked forward. the moving platform I had been tortured on was now moving me to my immanent doom. I laid waited for the end. I could feel the intense heat though every fiber of my being. It grew unbearable and I melted. Suddenly the heat stopped.... We had been saved! We were rushed into a infirmary chamber to harden. After our recovery we then took on our new post in platoon Crystal 18 in operation "Dining room Chandelier". Our new operation was to hang watch above the base. Here I still hang untouched by war ever since. Some say the war is over ,but i know better. War is never over its a never ending cycle.

#2 Prisoner of War

The we had no idea what was going on. We were in the containment unit for so long an we kept being mixed up and jumbled. Some tried to escape by using there heads, but their thinking wasn't as sharp as they has thought. After the long period of movement everything came to a stop. for just a moment there was total silence. I thought I had finally passed on, but then reality punched me in the face. We were dumped out of the containment unit and pushed into groups. I saw all kinds of soldiers of diffident shapes, colors, and sizes. Then suddenly I was being bashed and battered constantly for what seemed like days on end on this endlessly moving platform in this dark hallway. All I hear were my comrades crying out for help and the breaking of there bodies.I had finally realized this must be the enemies doing. We must have been captured and they must be trying to interrogate us. they would get nothing me for I was already broken. The beating had stopped. then strange liquid started pelting down from above. It was painful .More screams of agony. I didn't know what to do. I blacked out from the eminence pain.

#1 All Was Quiet On the Western Front

I was part of a large military operation called "Kitchen Window". It was our job to watch an protect the base, because what was inside was so secret we soldiers protecting it didn't even know. All we knew is that it was out job to protect it. Since as long as I could remember I was part of the upper right squad-rent. Our enemy still remains faceless but, the squads had protected the base from everything they ever sent our way. relentless down pour, scorching heat, shivering cold, and even the enemies winged kamikazes, but none could brake us....until, one day as we watched the sun fall as usual something rapidly approached from the distance. A giant white circular mortar with little red lines was flying towards us! We held our position but, we were overwhelmed. It seemed like it was over in one loud crash. As I slowly feel to the ground I felt sharp and broken. When I impacted the floor my mind shattered. I felt alone. i could see squad mates ,but I was to broken to make it to them. I thought it was over, then a large figure came and swept us all up into a black, soft containment unit. We all cheered thinking we were saved and the war was over..... we were fools this was only the beginning.